News + Notes
Fitting the Cobbler’s Kid for New Shoes
Our little house – courtesy of Googlemaps, as apparently I haven’t taken a photo of it since purchase.I suspect that many of my clients believe that I live in a beautiful, perfectly restored, historic palace, where every element is carefully planned and selected. Only...
Subway Tile
Somewhat mysteriously, one of the most common search terms that leads to this website is some variant on 'subway tile.' It's not entirely surprising, as I have certainly commented about good tile before, but perhaps it's time to give the people what they want... Of...
Does it Work?
Over the holiday break, I had the opportunity to visit a former client and her magnificent house. We did the bulk of the work on it about three years ago, and she has been in it for over two years now, so there were lots of reminiscences about the process and...
The Glory of Constraints
In fact, I'd say that the most creative and pleasing results come when there are constraints around a design that really push the solution in a new direction. Finding an example of this kind of problem-solving is challenging - because the best ones you never know...