News + Notes

Making the Everyday Interesting

During a quick visit to Chapel Hill last week, I found myself in the whole foods ladies room looking at the wall tile. Most of the time I let things like this wash on by without a moments thought, but this time I was struck by how well the designer had...

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Why 4/1?

What does 4/1 mean? The shorthand way to describe a double-hung window is by the number of lights in each sash, either spelled out: four-over-one, or written simply with numbers: 4/1.  From the common one-over-one to a Colonial's six-over-six, from an...

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To What Ends?

I’m debating exactly what purpose this opening page will have.  Maintenance of a full-blown, daily blog is out of the realm of possibility at the moment, and I don’t want it to look like I’ve forgotten about the site if nothing changes every three days.  Instead, I...

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Urban Avenue

I'm about to head over to the project on Urban, where little alterations will hopefully make a big difference on the house. We're opening up the kitchen by enclosing a too-small screened porch, enlarging the second-floor bathroom, and generally correcting...

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