News + Notes

The Bright House on Holloway

I had forgotten that the big yellow house on Holloway was named the Bright House in the original historic district research until I went to close out the tax credit application this week.  And it's an appropriate name too, as the light streaming in those...

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508 Ottawa, Reborn

I've been waiting with such excitement to photograph this lovely house in Cleveland-Holloway, entirely redone over the past year.  The owners took a leap of faith with this one, as it was a beige, decrepit mess when they began.  Now it's full of color, the liveliness...

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Sneak Peak

The owners of the Purple Castle (1106 Alabama Ave.) are kindly offering their house up for a tour on this coming Thursday evening, Dec. 1, 5-7pm.  I'll be on hand to answer questions about tax credits, and there's a suggested $5 entry fee - a donation to...

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Progress is being made!

It's been a busy fall around here, and as we careen into the holidays, it's glaringly obvious that I need to get some photos up here!  A proper update will be on my thanksgiving break to-do, but a few teasers are in order.  Remember the purple castle?  It's not so...

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